Sunday, April 24, 2011


Around 6 years ago (In 2004) David Londoño, Felipe Parra, Santiago Saavedra and me (Mauricio Romero) started a travel group. First we travel around Colombia and eventually we expanded to other countries (Without ever stop traveling within Colombia).

I’m not sure why we started traveling but I do know that it has become an essential part of our lives. Our perceptions of poverty, friendship, happiness and comfort have deeply changed for good.
Most of our trips are done without an itinerary and we avoid tourist packages, all included plans and that sort of things. We like to experience the real thing, get in touch with the locals and enjoy the freedom of expending as much time as you want/need in any place. We are mountaineers, climbers, divers, cyclists, hikers, paddlers. In short, we do what we need in order to enjoy a place the most we can.
This blog was created to help other travelers, especially those who are visiting Colombia, where we have more experience. The entries are based on our experience and by no means try to be a full and objective account of a place. Conditions might have changed since we went there, and some contacts (people, mobiles number, e-mail address, physical address) might no longer exist.
We would like the entire blog to be in English and apologize for the grammatical errors you might find. Some of our logs were made in Spanish and with time we hope to translate them to English.
Any information that might help us complete the information on each site is mostly welcome.

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